Tsering D.

Tsering D.

Girl from the Kharten village. SPONSORED

Tsering D. is a 9 years old girl (in 2024), from the Kharten village of the Eastern Himalayas, the oldest child of a under privileged family with three children. Her parents can hardly sustain their children. Tsering goes occasionally to a local government school, with very low level of resources and educational means. So her future would be to remain in poverty and under educated. The current exclusion rate of girls is very high in these areas.

Her father does labor work and mother takes care of children and the household work. The financial condition of the family is very low.

Her parents realize that they cannot do more for her, and see that joining the Tibetan Children’s Home (TCH) residence and the Hilton School will be better for the family and for her. She is willing to join as soon as possible.

So there is now an opportunity to board her in the TCH residence and enroll her in the nearby school with adequate means, helping her reach a better future and contribute to the development of the local society, helping also to close the gender gap.

You can be in direct contact with your sponsored child and monitor her progress in the education process.



To be covered by the sponsorship:

Boarding (shelter and meals) at the Tibetan Children’s Home: €58 per month.

School (fees, uniform, books, transportation): €25 per month


For sponsoring information, please send an email to info@jardindelacompasion.org.