The Compassion Garden Buddhist Center in Madrid, owned by the Compassion Garden Foundation – Yamtse Drophen Ling, has several multipurpose Rooms for activities, a Library and an Exhibition Area with a small attached Store.
The MAHA KARUNA* Exhibition Area, currently in process of definition, is a space where objects from the rich Tibetan culture and Buddhism are exhibited, mainly tangkhas, statues, objects and ancient Tibetan books. Books on spirituality and personal growth related to Buddhist thought, as well as other objects that some people find useful to help them in reflection and contemplation, can be bought in the small attached Shop.
* Karuna means compassion, both in Pali and Sanskrit, and Maha means great. Compassion is one of the two great principles or qualities to cultivate within the Buddhism of the universal vehicle, along with wisdom. It is also one of the four sublime states of mind, along with benevolence, joy for the good of others, and equanimity. Maha Karuna, according to the tradition of the universal vehicle, is committed compassion, with responsibility for action.
May I be the doctor and the medicine, and may I be the nurse, for all sick beings in the world, until everyone is healed
In its operations and practices, both internal and external, the Foundation follows the universal values of the Universal Vehicle of Buddhism