José Bermúdez Marcos

Founder / Trustee

He is one of the three founders of the Compassion Garden Buddhist Foundation.  The three founders bring together contributions of wisdom from the East and the West, and a commitment to compassion and social aid without borders. He is member of the Board of Trustees.


  •  Born in Spain, 1957
  •  Civil Engineer
  •  M. of Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Fulbright Scholar
  •  Former director of a multinational consulting company and an international construction company, where he was an expert in large organization and infrastructure projects. Over the years he has lived on different continents
  • Philanthropist, and over the last decade he has been collaborating as a volunteer and instructor with different charities (Red Cross, Proyecto Hombre …)
  •  Psychologist * and scholar of East-West Philosophy ** and Buddhism


* Specialized in Humanistic and Third Generation Psychology, with practical experience in psychological support in charities.

 ** Specialized in comparative philosophy within the field of Ethics, Philosophy of Mind and Metaphysics / Ontology, subjects on which he gives talks and conferences.