Jigme Dondup (Geshe Jigme)


He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation.

  •  Born in the Tibetan culture the area of Tibetan culture in the ​​North of India in 1970
  •  Buddhist monk since 1981
  •  Geshe * degree, equivalent to a doctorate, after the necessary 17 years of study, at Ganden Jangtse Monastery (India)
  •  Extensive experience in managing a large organization, such as Ganden Jangtse Monastery
  •  Professor of Buddhist Practices and Meditation


* Geshe title.  The Tibetan word Geshe (“ge” means virtue and “she” friend who helps to know) has as meaning: spiritual friend or friend who knows virtue or who knows what should be practiced and what should be put aside.  It is obtained in the universities and institutes of Tibetan Buddhism that  continue the great intellectual tradition of the ancient Indian Buddhist universities of Nalanda and Vikramasila.  The title is achieved after intensive studies, reflection sessions and debate sessions on classical philosophical texts of Buddhism and their commentaries in different aspects: ontology or nature of reality, epistemology or the way in which man knows, psychology or science of the mind, logic, and ethics or moral behavior. It requires a minimum of 17 years of study, which can be equivalent to a doctorate or PhD, but it also covers other domains such as, for example, monastic discipline.

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